Welcome to Decca Recruiting

Modern Day Staffing Agency

Empowering Growth Through Meaningful Connections "To connect exceptional talent with opportunities that empower growth, innovation, and success for both individuals and organizations, fostering meaningful connections that drive positive change in the professional world.

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  • For Employers
  • For Employees
Find the Employees

Hire Your Next Candidate On Decca Recruiting

Decca Recruiting’s strength in IT staffing is our agility and more than 50 years of combined IT staffing and project management experience of our key management personnel.

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    Understand Your Needs

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    Find the Perfect Candidate

Find Your Right Place

Explore Your Career Path With Decca Recruiting

Our personalized approach ensures that each candidate receives individualized attention and support throughout the recruitment process. We go beyond just matching qualifications to job descriptions; we strive to find the perfect fit for both candidates and employers, fostering long-term success and satisfaction.

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    Executive Opportunities

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    Non Excecutive Opportunities

About Our Agency

Your Strategic Staffing Ally: Dependable and Affordable Recruitment Solutions

With a focus on timely delivery of the best candidates for the job, Decca Recruiting is proud to serve the unique staffing needs through targeted solutions and onsite support.

Our mission is to focus on timely delivery of the best candidates for the job.

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Nayeem Amin

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Services We Provide

Innovative Staffing
Services Tailored to Your Needs

At Decca Recruiting, we understand the critical role that exceptional talent plays in driving the success of businesses. Our recruitment services are designed to connect employers with top-tier professionals who not only meet the job requirements but also align with the company's culture and values.

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Recruitment Differentiators

Elevating Recruitment Standards, Redefining Success

Discover what sets us apart. We offer unparalleled value and expertise to both clients and candidates. Explore how we elevate standards and deliver success with every placement.

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01Personalized Approach

We understand that every candidate and every organization is unique. That's why we take a personalized approach to recruitment.

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02Industry Expertise

Benefit from our broad industry expertise, providing unmatched guidance for candidates and clients in today's dynamic job market.

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03Cutting-edge Technology

We utilize cutting-edge technology and data analytics to streamline recruitment, delivering faster and more accurate results for clients and candidates.

Business Functions

Industries Hiring

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    Logistics & Services

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    Education & Government

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    Front Line Support

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Logistics & Services Industries

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Education & Government

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Front Line Support

Team Behind Us

Our Experience & Team

Obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated & annoyances accepted the wise man therefore always hold in these matters to this principle of selection.

Direct Hire
Our Champ

Garrett Barnie

Our Champ

Isaac Herman

VP, Finance
Our Champ

Joel Lou

Senior Consultant
How it’s Possible

Three Steps of Eazy Recruitz

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Choice is untrammelled when nothing prevents our being best.

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Power of choiced is untrammelled and when nothing prevents.

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Contracts & Pay

Every pleasure is to be welcomed pain avoided but in certain.

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Words From Our Partners

Our Excellence

Awards & Major Achievements

Long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the
readable content of a page.

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Best of Staffing Talent Award

  • Year:2009-2010
  • Award by:Los Vegas Business Time
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Best Companies to Work in Texas

  • Year:2012-2013
  • Award by:Sparks Group
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Fast Growing Staffing Firms

  • Year:2015
  • Award by:Dallas Association 100
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Best of Staffing Client Satisfaction

  • Year:2018-2019
  • Award by:Forbes International